Absolute Advantage

An economics concept in which one party has a direct advantage in efficiency in producing/providing a specific good or service over another party.

Active Management

An investing strategy employed by fund managers aiming to outperform an index or market in order to generate profits.


String of text that designates the location of a particular wallet on the blockchain. Often a hashed version of a public key.


The distribution of digital assets to the public, either by virtue of holding a certain other token or simply by virtue of being an active wallet address on a particular blockchain



The portfolio of coins and tokens one is holding. Often related to a poorly performing bag of assets that investors insist to hold.

Beacon Chain

The Beacon Chain is Ethereum’s proof-of-stake (PoS) layer where consensus is reached. It controls and coordinates the network of Ethereum stakers who help validate and secure the network in exchange for staking rewards.

Bear Market

A negative trend in prices of a market. It is widely used not only in the cryptocurrency space but also in the traditional markets.


A technical standard that defines a set of rules for the issuance and management of tokens in the BNB Beacon Chain ecosystem